Parallel Processing with tqdm

A dead-simple way to perform parallel processing with progress bars natively in tqdm

Amit Chaudhary


October 20, 2024

tqdm is a popular library that’s widely used in a bunch of open-source python ML libraries for displaying progress bars. As such, it’s already pre-installed as a dependency when working on machine learning projects.

pip show tqdm

Required-by: datasets, dvc, evaluate, huggingface-hub, openai, sentence-transformers, spacy, transformers**

For example, consider a task where we loop over a list of websites and need to fetch the status code for each.

Naive loop
import requests

def ping(url):
    return requests.head(url).status_code

urls = ['']*10
statuses = [ping(url) for url in urls]

To get a progress bar, it’s as easy as wrapping the urls list with the tqdm class.

pip install tqdm
import requests
from import tqdm

def ping(url):
    return requests.head(url).status_code

urls = [''] * 10
statuses = [ping(url) for url in tqdm(urls)]
Import the tqdm object. Importing from is preferred as it automatically select the best progress bar (jupyter-compatible or console-based)
Simply wrap the list of items and you get a progress bar

While this use case of tqdm as a progress bar library is well known, there are two relatively undocumented features in tqdm to get progress bars while doing concurrent/parallel processing.

Running Concurrent Threads

You can execute a function on the list concurrently with multiple threads using the thread_map function. It takes the function to run as the first argument and a list of items as the second argument and returns the results.

import requests
from tqdm.contrib.concurrent import thread_map

def ping(url):
    return requests.head(url).status_code

urls = ['']*500
statuses = thread_map(ping, urls, max_workers=4)
The number of threaded-workers to use can be specified using max_workers parameter.

This is useful to speed up IO-bound tasks such as fetching data by scraping a website, calling a remote third party API or querying a remote database.

Internally, thread_map leverages the ThreadPoolExecutor from concurrent.futures standard library.1

Running parallel processes

For compute-bound tasks, tqdm provides a process_map function with a similar API to process the list in parallel using multiple child processes.

import requests
from tqdm.contrib.concurrent import process_map

def ping(url):
    return requests.head(url).status_code

urls = [''] * 500
statuses = process_map(ping, urls, max_workers=4)
The number of processes to use can be specified using max_workers parameter.

This is particularly useful when the task involves heavy computation such as generating sentence embeddings for a large dataset or running batch model inference on CPU.

Internally, process_map uses ProcessPoolExecutor from concurrent.futures standard library.2


Thus, thread_map and process_map are useful tools to add to your toolbox when dealing with parallel processing. As tqdm is already pre-installed via other libraries you might use in ML, it’s a quick and easy way to add parallel processing to your program logic.


  1. Source code for thread_map↩︎

  2. Source code for process_map↩︎